Monday, February 13, 2012



"If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters." - Alan K. Simpson

When it comes to integrity, many things come to my mind. Most people think of integrity as, "always doing the right thing, even when no one else is watching." Given, that's one way to look at it; however, I tend to go a little bit deeper. Actually, the complete opposite: How about thinking of integrity as, "always doing the right thing, even when everyone else is watching."

Personally, I think it's easier to have integrity when I'm by myself than when I'm hanging out with some friends. (Before I go any further, don't assume that my friends are bad influences, because that's not the case.) It's much easier to be yourself when you're alone, right? Think about it. How often have you seen people acting completely different when they're with certain crowds? Answer: A LOT.

For some reason unbeknownst to me, people have this desire to react rather than act. To clarify, people these days tend to react accordingly to their surrounding peers, as if they need to be accepted, noticed, liked, etc. So, instead of being genuine, one might act like a sweetheart in front of group A and a jackass in front of group B. (Note: This is obviously a generic example, but you get the point.)

To me, that's not having integrity. Not at all. When one is not genuine, one isn't having integrity. When you're fake, you don't have integrity. When you're putting on a show for the crowd, you're not displaying integrity.

You are to others what you portray yourself to be. If you portray yourself one way to group A and a different way to group B, then you officially have a split-personality; and you lack integrity.

Don't pretend to care when you don't. Don't pretend to listen when you're deaf. Don't pretend to see when you're blind. Don't pretend to sing when you're mute. Don't put makeup on when you don't need it. Don't wear clothes when you're truly naked. Don't pretend to love when you're full of hate. Don't be someone that you're not. Don't act like something you aren't.

There's only one you. Be it.

I'm me.

Who are you?