Sunday, November 20, 2011

Welcome to the Mind of Zackary Keaton Peddicord: Part Three


Have you ever sat down and thought to yourself, "Where did the time go?" I have, plenty of times; and I'm only 22 years old.

It seems like these days, people are always wishing away time like it doesn't even matter. Always looking forward to the next big day, the next football game, the next birthday party, the next date....What's the rush?

At some point in time, you need to realize that time is one of the most valuable assets we have. Time is constantly changing. Time stands still. Time is tested. Time goes on, and on, and on. Time is wasted. Time is cherished. Time is captured. Time is lost. Time flies.

When you were in elementary school, you eventually wished it away to be in middle school. Then, you couldn't wait to be in high school. High school was great....sports, girls/guys, driving, dating...but then of course you can't wait to be in college. Then once in college you've got parties, tailgating, finals, all-nighters, mid-terms, more responsibility...and then you start counting the days until you graduate so you can get out there and make that money....Funny thing is, don't you always feel like you could go back to the good ole days?

Stop. Look. Listen. Feel. Love. Give. Give more. Soak it in. Breathe it in.

The moment you start living with regret is the moment you start living without complete and utter happiness.

One of these days, you'll realize that time flies faster than the speed of light.
One of these days, time will catch up to you.
One of these days, you'll wish you had been in the moment.
One of these days, you'll want to go back to that very spot in time.
One of these days, you'll want to remember better.
One of these days, you won't be able to reminisce.
One of these days, you'll wish you'd never passed up that opportunity.
One of these days, you'll wish you had said yes.
One of these days, there won't be a tomorrow.

Then what?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Welcome to the Mind of Zackary Keaton Peddicord: Part Two


It's a word that's used so lightly these days; and I'm not talking about the dreams you have in your sleep, although I'll save that topic for another day.

I'm talking about your aspirations. Plans. Goals. Whatever you want to call it. Things you want to accomplish before your body dies. Places you want to go. People you want to see....and most importantly, the person you want to be. I want you to think about what drives you. What keeps you going each and every day? What makes you wake up in the morning?

A dear friend once said, "I feel that a person’s happiness comes from the pursuit of their passions."

I believe that to be 100% accurate. Open your eyes....Seriously, open your eyes. Look around. Think about your situation and tell me what you see. Do you like what you see? Do you love what you see? Do you need someone to open your eyes a little further? Tell me more. 

I believe that you can't truly be happy until you realize what makes you happy. Figure it out. Now. Take that, do away with everything else, and don't ever look back. Ever.

Please don't sit back and be content with what you have now because it's comfortable. Don't be content because that's what you're used to. Don't get used to something that doesn't make you happy. Don't settle for less when you could have more. Don't be mediocre when you could be great. Don't pretend to be happy when you really aren't.

Now. Stop looking around, and look at yourself in the mirror. Tell me what you see. Do you like what you see? Do you love what you see? You have to love yourself before you can honestly love anyone else.

Do you like dreaming of things so impossible?
I do.