Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Quote of the Week

"If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters." - Alan K. Simpson

Monday, April 11, 2011

First Blog

So. This is going to be fun. I've decided to start a blog. It will not be the typical, "Regurgitation of my daily activities" type of blog. Most of the time people don't care what you do throughout your day unless something exciting happens. For instance, I'm really intrigued about the daily routine of my best friend, Logan Monday, who is living in South Korea right now while teaching English. He also has a blog if you're interested:

However, for the rest of us, we are pretty much living our every day lives to the best of our abilities. I, for example, will be graduating soon from the University of Tennessee, and then will be entering the job market. That in itself is not very exciting to read about, but, all of the problems, struggles, ideas, observations, thoughts, wants, needs, hates, loves, laughs, questions, curiosities, secrets, feelings....That's what you want to read about.

That will be Living In Words.
Let's go.